Identity verification

Until a few years ago, California was one of several states that “finger imaged” — i.e., finger printed — its SNAP recipients. However, effective January 1, 2012, finger imaging is no longer required in the CalFresh program. See AB 6 (2011) and ACL 11-83 (discontinuance of finger imaging in the CalFresh program).

Finger imaging also ended for CalWORKs effective July 1, 2018.  [ACL 18-68.]  Parents or caretaker relatives, each aided or applicant adult, and aided or applicant pregnant women must provide photo identification.  [MPP § 40-105.32.]  Non-minor dependants, non-needy caretaker relatives applying for a relative foster child and applicants whose photo identification is part of a previous case file are exempt.  [Id.]  CalWORKs applicants will have 15 days from the date of application to provide photo id.  [MPP § 40-105.34.]  The 15 days timeframe can be extended for good cause.  [Id.]  If after a good faith effort the applicant cannot provide photo id without paying a fee, the county must pay that fee.  [MPP § 40-105.36.]

Benefits can be issued prior to submitting the photo identification if the applicant is eligible for CalWORKs immediate need, the applicant does not have photo identification and signs a statement under penalty of perjury regarding identity, or if the applicant is applying remotely through telephone or other electronic means.  [MPP § 40-105.34.]  The applicant must provide photo identification within 15 working days or present evidence of good faith efforts to obtain photo identification for benefits to continue.  [Id.]