Most of the time, a household will not get a full month’s CalFresh benefits for the month in it first applies. How many CalFresh benefits the household receives for the first month will depend on how early in the month it turns in its CalFresh application. [7 C.F.R. § 273.10(a)(1)(ii); MPP §§ 63-503.1 and 63-503.131.] The earlier the household signs its application and turns it in to the CalFresh office, the more CalFresh benefits it will get. Applicants will only get CalFresh benefits for the days in the month that are left when they apply. This is called “pro-rating.” [7 C.F.R. § 273.10(a)(1)(ii) and (iii); MPP §§ 63-503.1 and 63-503.131.]
If a person applies so late in the month that her CalFresh benefits for the days left in the month come to less than $10, the person will not get any CalFresh benefits for that month. [7 C.F.R. § 273.10(e)(2)(iii); MPP § 63-503.132.]
Migrant and seasonal farm worker households with a break in CalFresh aid of 30 days or less will not have their benefits pro-rated, but will instead receive benefits for the whole month. [7 C.F.R. § 273.10(a)(1)(ii); MPP § 63-503.13.]
If processing of the application was delayed beyond 30 days due to the applicant’s fault, because the applicant did not comply with some requirement, the county has the option to deny the application or to hold the application pending compliance with the required action. [MPP § 63-301.42.] Check with the county welfare office to see if it holds the application beyond 30 days. If the county chooses to hold the application beyond the 30 days pending the applicant’s compliance, the benefit level will only be pro-rated from the date the CalFresh office receives verification that the applicant completed the required action. [MPP §§ 63-503.13 and 63-301.42.]